Why the Cross?

the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved, it is the power of God. (I Cor 1:18) 

There once was a man who wanted to build a bridge to the sun, so he fit stones together and began to raise up a bridge from the ground. His bridge looked beautiful, and much effort went into it, but in the end, the man failed. His goal was hopeless.

Such is the story of those who think their works will get them to heaven. And yet, ironically, most people don’t see their works as building a bridge to the sun. Why not? Is it that people do not fully understand the holiness of God? The infinity of God? The justice of God? Maybe our God is too small. A God whom we can reach through our own efforts is a small god indeed.

This is why we need the Cross. The Cross is necessary because a holy God is beyond our sinful reach. We cannot remove the stains of our sin. The difference between the Cross and works righteousness is the difference between a big God and a small god, and a small man and a big man. With the Cross, God is everything, and we are nothing. With works righteousness, God is much smaller, and we are something.

The Cross brings salvation to Earth. Works righteousness builds salvation toward heaven. Their starting points are different. God is fully capable of reaching across the chasm between Himself and sinners, but we sinners are utterly incapable of reaching across that chasm to a holy God. How many good works do you need to do to be good enough for holiness? That is one reason for the Cross.


Posted by mdemchsak

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