What’s So Special About Christmas?

Christmas is the most celebrated holiday on Earth. Every December half the globe puts up lights and trees, makes special foods, exchanges gifts, attends parties, travels to see family, and talks about peace on Earth. But why? What’s so special about Christmas?

Ironically, most people who celebrate Christmas do not understand what makes it so special. To many people, Christmas is nothing more than gifts and Santa Claus or a nice season to have parties. Oh, they do know that somewhere in the background the holiday is tied to the baby Jesus, but their knowledge somehow never reaches their hearts. Jesus gets thrown in the basket along with decorations, cookies, and presents.

The problem with this thinking is that Jesus never becomes anything more than a baby in a manger. And if Jesus is nothing special, then neither is Christmas. The beauty of the holiday rests on the beauty of the Savior. If we miss the beauty of our Savior, we miss the beauty of Christmas.

Christmas is special because at Christmas God invaded Earth.

Christmas is special because it means that the human race is not left to itself. We have hope.

Christmas is special because that baby died on a cross and took God’s punishment for your sins.

Christmas is special because Christ destroyed sin and through faith He makes you clean.

Christmas is special because Christ rose from the grave, and death no longer has the final say.

Christmas is special because it brings us peace with God.

Christmas is special because that baby is the King of kings — every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.

Christmas is special because it reveals the wondrous love of God.

The forgiveness of sins is tied to Christmas.

Our glorious inheritance in Christ comes as a result of Christmas.

Holiness and righteousness are ours because of Christmas.

Eternal life results from Christmas.

Christmas brings the greatest gift anyone has ever given.

If someone gave you a billion dollars, you would celebrate.

Well? At Christmas God gave you something greater.  He gave you … Himself.

That’s what makes Christmas so special.

Posted by mdemchsak

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