The Greatest Commandment

Father, by Your great grace, grant me an all-consuming love for Christ, a love that transforms not just my feelings but my life. 


Everyone wants love, but few ever find it.  We talk about it.  We sing songs about it.  We write poetry about it.  We give seminars on it.  But much of what we call love is more like emotional candy. 

 Jesus speaks of love.  He says that love for God is the greatest commandment.  When He says this, He is not talking about the passions of a brief fling or the indulgence of earthly pleasure.  Indeed, the love Jesus talks about fulfills God’s commands.  To Jesus, love obeys God.  To Jesus, love lays down its life. To Jesus, love involves heart, soul, mind, and strength.  To Jesus, love is multifaceted and deep. 

If we love God, here is some of what it looks like. 

We are patient with God.  We are willing to wait for God to do His will in His time.  We do not demand that God give us today the job we want.  We do not expect God to explain all of our questions now.  We wait for God.  We wait for Him to provide, for Him to save a friend, for Him to explain why.  This is part of loving God.

We are kind to God.  We always talk about God being kind to us (and it is true), but are we kind to God?  Do we respect what He says in Scripture or do we change it?  Do we spend time loving our Master or do we have too many other things going on?  When we are kind, we do not badmouth God’s ways. We may not understand those ways.  We may see that God’s ways run counter to our culture, but we accept them anyway.  It is not kind to turn our backs on what God has said simply because our culture pressures us.  That would be unloving. 

We do not desire what God has.  For example, God has the right to run the world.  We do not.  Many people, however, desire to run their world and their family’s world too.  When we want to be in charge of our lives, we envy the position God has, and when we desire what God has, we are never satisfied.  When we love God, however, we are content not being God.  We are content simply because we are God’s children.  This flows from the love of God.

We do not boast or exalt ourselves before God.  We understand that He is God and we are not.  Love for God shows itself in humility before God.

We do not insist that God grant our desires or that God operate the way we would like Him to.  We understand that God is not our waiter catering to our every desire.  We exist for Him.  Indeed, when we love God, our desires change.  We want to see His desires manifest in our lives.  We want to see His kingdom spread across the earth.  We want to see His will carried out among us.  When we love God, our desires are transformed from a selfish focus on our own little world to an undying passion to see the glory of God on Earth. 

We rejoice in God’s truth.  His Scriptures are a fountain of joy.  We do not merely accept them.  We exult over them.  “The precepts of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart.”  (Ps 19:8)  Conversely, this means that we do not rejoice in sin.  If we love God, we do not celebrate or our justify sin.  Instead we repent of it. The man who celebrates the money he gained by deception is not showing love for God.  The woman who justifies her lesbian relationship is not showing love for God, for love does not rejoice in wrongdoing.  Love for God is never divorced from Scripture, for God delights in the truth of Scripture.  And so should we. 

We bear hardship and endure all things for God.  Jesus said, “Blessed are you when people insult you and persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me.”  (Mt 5:11)  Those who reject God insult those who love God.  This was true in Jesus’ day, and it is still true today.  God’s people today face mockery, adverse public opinion, rejection from parents and friends, job discrimination, jail, beatings, even death.  They endure these things because of their love for God.  When a woman loves her husband, sometimes she must endure hardship because of him.  Mrs. Martin Luther King had to suffer along with Mr. Martin Luther King.  She shows her loyalty by enduring the suffering.  Love for God is no different.  We endure insults and sufferings because of our love.

We believe God even when we don’t fully understand.  Love breeds trust.  We trust God because we know His character.  We may not know whether our daughter will make it through surgery or whether we will ever marry, but we know God.  We believe He is good — even when our daughter dies in surgery.  In addition, we believe what God has said in Scripture.  It is really rather silly for me to say that I love my wife if I do not believe what she says. So it is when we love God.  We believe what Scripture says.  This is part of loving God.

We put our hope in God.  We know that in Christ we have a glorious future and that God is for us.  This means that we do not look to our 401k for our future security.  It means that our health does not determine our future.  It means that a Phd, a promotion, an award, or a lovely family is not where our hope lies.  If we love God, He is our hope and He is our future.

 Love for God lasts.  It is not fickle like the wind, always changing directions.  When we love God, we are committed to Him. But love for God is not a dry, stale obedience, a mere act of the will and nothing else.  Love for God rejoices and sings. Love for God has great affection for God, great passion for Him.  It is sweet and strong and rich.  It is not a nebulous, objectless feeling but is focused on the Beloved.  Love for God frees us.  It raises us up above ourselves and enables us to attempt great things that we would never think of doing on our own.  God’s people yearn for God.  They want to see Him, to be with Him, to talk to Him, to know Him. 

The feelings of love may fluctuate, just as they do in a marriage. But the commitment of love remains, just as it does in a good marriage.  And though feelings may come and go with the moment, over time they grow.

 Genuine love for God affects our hearts, thoughts, decisions, and lives.  It pulls us toward righteousness like a great magnet, and it flows through our souls like blood.  It comes from God, and it leads us higher and higher into the heights of God.  It rests in the heart.  Indeed, if it is not in the heart, it is not love. 

Posted by mdemchsak

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