What Do I Say to Someone Who Criticizes Me For Going to Church?

This is an ongoing series in which I am addressing questions that internationals in AIF have asked.

Q: What do I say to someone who criticizes me for going to church?

 A:  The Short answer: Attending church is important … I can’t grow in Christ if I don’t go to church … I really enjoy it … I want to be with God’s people … God wants me to worship with His people.

If someone questions the fact that you attend church every week, any of these answers works, and you probably can think of others. In that sense, I don’t know that you need much advice from me. Listen to the Spirit and give them a simple, straightforward explanation of why you go to church. When people question you, they are generally not looking for a big, long discourse.

The Real Issue:  In most cases, people who criticize you for going to church are not genuinely interested in your reasons for going. They are more likely upset that you don’t do something else that they would rather see you do. Maybe they want to go shopping with you or watch a game or go to the park, but you tell them you’re going to church. Sometimes they have negative stereotypes of Christians and are concerned that you are spending too much time with “those” people. They don’t want you to become just like their stereotype.

The key to your response is not so much having the perfect answer but being OK with the criticism. You say people criticize you for going to church.  So what?  Let them criticize you. You have to walk with God, and the closer you walk with God, the less you will be swayed by people who want you to walk away from God. I am not saying, “Don’t care for your friend or family member.” Rather I am saying, “Don’t let the criticism get into your head.” Spend regular time with your local church, and if criticism comes, then criticism comes.

It is far more important for you as a Christian to understand that if you are to walk with God, you must be with His people regularly. If you abandon your local church, your faith will eventually wither away. In fact, if you abandon your local church, your faith has already begun to wither. You need the body of Christ.

Going Deeper:  I have given you the basic principle because your question is framed in the broadest way possible. But you might dig deeper. When someone criticizes your practice of going to church, you may have an open door for a spiritual conversation. They brought the topic up, so ask them what their specific issue is. You may have an opportunity to share more than just your reasons for going to church.

Posted by mdemchsak

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