Growing Up

For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you again the basic principles of the oracles of God.  You need milk, not solid food, for everyone who lives on milk is unskilled in the word of righteousness, since he is a child.  But solid food is for the mature, for those who have their powers of discernment trained by constant practice to distinguish good from evil.  Therefore let us leave the elementary doctrine of Christ and go on to maturity …  (Hebrews 5:11-6:1)

Lord, grow me in Your grace, that I may know You more.  Let me never stop progressing in the kingdom of God.

I used to teach high school English. One time I gave my first vocabulary test for the year. Most of the students in my class had taken me previously, but a few were new and didn’t know anything about Mr. Demchsak. The students who had taken me before studied and were well prepared for the test, but one new student was shocked. “You mean I have to study the words?”

Steve, who had taken me before, said, “Sorry, Mr. D. I should have warned him about your test. But he’ll know from now on.”

I had a reputation for being a tough teacher, and I discovered that especially my freshmen were different people at the end of the year than they had been on the first day of class. Not all of course, but many of them had learned that they had to work and to take responsibility for what they did. They were beginning to grow into men and women. They now knew something about responsibility that they had not known before. And hopefully they learned some English as well.

The reality is that a man knows more than a 4th grader, and a 4th grader knows more than a 1st grader, and a 1st grader knows more than a 2-year-old, and a 2-year-old knows more than a newborn. We learn as we grow.

It is this way with knowing God. Sometimes much of what we do not know of God we do not know because we are spiritual newborns … or 4th graders. We could be sixty but a babe in Christ. Sometimes we want our spiritual understanding to match our earthly understanding, but that’s not how the kingdom of God works. Getting to know God is a process of the heart.

If a woman has a genuine heart and faith, she will know God, but her knowledge will not all come tomorrow. God does not dump the whole load on us at once. Many things that we wonder about today we may understand in ten years.

Knowledge of God builds upon itself. No one teaches calculus to a five year old. He would not be ready. In the same way, God reserves His advanced lessons for people who are spiritually ready for them. The process never ends. Sometimes our confusion about God is nothing more than a three year old being confused about physics.

If you want to learn about God, your heart must grow. But sometimes a heart never grows. Stagnant hearts bring stagnant knowledge of God, and a person can stagnate at any stage of maturity. A 70-year-old woman may know less of God than a six-year-old girl because the heart of the six-year-old may be spiritually more mature. Heart maturity and age are not necessarily related. Good hearts will progress. Bad ones won’t.

Posted by mdemchsak

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