
Who You Are and What You Do

No one born of God makes a practice of sinning, for God’s sed abides in him, and he cannot keep on sinning because he has been born of God (I John 3:9)

Squirrels run through trees and eat nuts.  Eagles soar in the sky and hunt squirrels.  Otters play in rivers, and lions lie in grasslands.  Bats sleep during the day and fly at night, while spiders build webs and wait. 

Squirrels do not act like eagles, and bats do not act like spiders.  Creatures behave in accord with what they are.  Their DNA affects how they live. 

The spiritual world is the same way.  Who you are determines how you live.  John wrote that those who abide in Christ do not continue in sin because God’s seed is in them. (I Jn 3).  Yet this same John also said that if we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us (I Jn 1:8). 

The Christian is, thus, someone who still sins but who does not continue in sin.  Sin is not our home.  It is not our habit.  It is not our lifestyle.  Even if we may fall into it and be impure as a result. 

The Christian needs forgiveness because he still sins, but the Christian has a new DNA from above and has changed.

This is why Scripture will say that Christians are righteous and then say that they need to confess their sins.  We are new creatures who still live in our fallen bodies and within this fallen world.  We are salmon swimming upstream against this world, but sometimes the current catches us and we fall back into the ways of the world.

The way to tell the difference between a genuine Christian and a false one is by looking at the overall direction – the pattern – of his life and not with a single incident.  Even in looking at the pattern we can be mistaken, for we can mistake reality, and a Christian is more than behavior.  But you will tend to be more accurate if you look holistically at a person and not just at the particular sin or act that irritates you. 

Christians are new but not perfect.  We err when we neglect either of those truths.  Some people expect perfection and, consequently, show no grace to their brothers and sisters.  Other people excuse sinful lifestyles under the guise that Christians are not perfect and, in doing so, compromise the Christian witness to the world. 

When God makes Christians new, He does so from the inside out.  He changes who you are.  It’s like going from a squirrel to an eagle.  The behavior will follow.  It may not follow immediately or perfectly, but it will come.  A new heart that never results in a new life is not a new heart.  Continued sin is evidence of an old heart.  A changed life is evidence of a new heart.  But if, in your changed life, you find that you still sin, do this:  repent, seek forgiveness, be cleansed, and move on. 

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Questions for My Soul

Why do you think, O soul, that God must give you what you want? 

Does the Almighty owe you? 

Is He your slave that He should do your bidding? 

Must the only Sovereign bow to the will of His servant? 

Who is the King of kings and who is a mere man? 

Who is exalted and who lives in the dust? 

Does He who formed the stars answer to clay?

 Or He who gives life bow to flesh?

Should you, O soul, live in the fear of God, or should He live in the fear of you? 

Do you govern the laws of the universe that He should take note of you? 

Do you command angels? 

Does all of creation bow at your feet? 

Do you dwell in unapproachable light? 

Do the centuries come and go in your presence? 

Does all of history serve your purpose? 

O soul, why then do you exalt yourself?  Why do you think the Exalted One must answer to you?

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Eyes to See

We are more sinful than we think.  We deserve far worse than we think.  The Cross is God’s infinite mercy, but too often we don’t believe we need mercy.

Until God opens the eyes of your heart to see the depths of your sin, the Cross will make no sense.  You need to see the justice of hell in order to fully see the mercy of God.

We deserve eternal punishment but believe God owes us earthly happiness.  Our blindness in this respect drives our dissatisfaction.  We complain that we don’t have as if we somehow deserve to have. 

The happiest people are the ones who know they deserve condemnation but also know they have received grace.  Those who think they deserve grace don’t know what grace is. 

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The Biggest Sin

Lawrence (not his real name) showed up for class one morning.  We were more than a week into the fall semester, and I had never seen him before, though I knew his name from the class roster.  I asked to speak with him after class.

“We’ve missed you?” I said.  “Have you been sick?’

No, he had not been sick.  He had simply been skipping.  Didn’t feel like coming.

“Well, then.  Here are the assignments you have missed.”

He promptly told me he would not do them and that he would not be coming to class.  School was not important.

“You do not understand what you are doing.”

“I know what I am doing,” he said.

“No you don’t,” I said.  “You have no clue.  You go try to find a decent job as a high school dropout and then come back and tell me you know what you are doing.” 

Lawrence left the room, and I never saw him again.

Sometimes people don’t understand the full consequences of their choices. 

In fact, if Scripture is true, you and I don’t understand the full consequences of our choices.  Most of us are Lawrence painted worse. 

We are backwards concerning what matters.  We think we are OK simply because we have not murdered, robbed a bank, or cheated on our spouse.  We don’t understand that those sins are merely derivative – that another sin is actually bigger than they.   

Jesus gave us the greatest commandment.  He said it is to love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength.  And the second is like it – to love your neighbor as yourself.  He then said that all the commandments hang on these two.  In other words, if you love the Lord, you will not murder, steal, lie, commit adultery, or do any other sin.  And wherever you find murder, stealing, lying and sexual sin, at their foundation is the absence of a love for God. 

The greatest commandment is to love God; the greatest sin is to not love God.  When you refuse to love God and refuse to worship and serve Him alone, God gives you over to your passions, and you further sin by following your passions (see Romans 1).  If you fail to love God, you fail.  Period. 

And here’s the thing.  Most people fail to love God.  In fact, most people don’t even think on God.  They don’t see God, and they certainly don’t see any connection between their relationship with Him and their sin.  In fact, when people don’t see God, they usually don’t even see their sin.  They, thus, don’t see the consequences of failing to love God. 

But to not love God is the biggest sin.  It is the foundation for all other sins, and it excludes you from the kingdom of God; for the kingdom of God is built on the love of God, and those in that kingdom love Him. 

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The Necessity of Suffering

. . . vanity of vanities!  All is vanity. (Eccl 1:2)

It was good for me to be afflicted, that I might learn your statutes. (Ps 119:71)

The past few weeks I helped care for my mom as she died from cancer.  I briefly discussed in the last blog how this experience has affected my thoughts on death.  It has also made me think on suffering as I watch my mom suffer. Let me take some time and share some thoughts on suffering.

Consider these two questions:  Why did God allow Stalin to take the lives of 20 million Russians?  Why did God allow a gunman to take the life of my son? 

Which question is harder to answer?

The Stalin question multiplies the evil 20 million times, so on a purely objective basis, the Stalin question would seem to be the more difficult one.

But it isn’t.

The two questions are the same question, and yet they are not.  To the man who lost his son, the question is deeply personal, but for the man today asking about Stalin, the question is intellectual and theoretical.  To the man who lost his son, the suffering is close and intense, but for the man asking about Stalin, the suffering is distant.

Suffering is not primarily an intellectual issue.  It is a pastoral one.  This fact does not deny intellectual answers to why God allows suffering.  Such answers exist, and as intellectual answers they can be cogent.  But the most difficult aspects to suffering are the pastoral ones.

When people suffer, they don’t need logic.  They need a hug.  They need compassion.  They need an ear to listen.  They need love.  Reason is inadequate to meet their needs.  Sometimes we forget this, but suffering has a way of bringing to the surface human weakness and the human need for something beyond food, water, and sleep.  Suffering reminds us that there is more to a man than biology and logic.  Suffering, thus, points us beyond earth.  In suffering, the curtain is pulled back and we get to see earth in its rawest form. 

Suffering is natural to earth, but most people make earth the pursuit of their lives.  They want more of earth – more money, more land, more power, more fame, more sex, more knowledge, more youth, you name it.  All of the above are among the pleasures earth offers.  They are the things people chase.  People chase earth.  In this sense, Earth is the most common god people have. 

The problem, however, is that earth is not God.  God made us for Himself, but we would rather be a rich, comfortable business owner with a poster family.  To most people, that kind of pursuit is more important than knowing God. 

But suffering exposes earth.  It calls us not to make earth our hope.  Earth may offer good food, a warm home, a fat bank account, political power, and the adulation of others, but it also offers cancer, divorce, rape, poverty, backbiting, prison, injustice, floods, earthquakes, death, and more.  In other words – suffering.  If someone wishes to chase the goods of earth, suffering is a stark slap in the face that in the end, earth isn’t what you hoped for.  In the end, earth is bankrupt. 

To people inclined to pursue the false god of Earth, suffering is a necessary mercy.  If suffering opens someone’s eyes to see the emptiness of earth and to pursue instead the knowledge of God, it will have been a great blessing.  Earth is short-sighted.  Suffering has the potential to turn people away from a path that promises short-term pleasure but delivers long-term pain and emptiness.

God insists that this broken, fallen earth produce suffering because He wants us to look beyond earth for our meaning and fulfillment.  In a fallen world, suffering is necessary.  We need it because without it, we would be all the more enticed to chase that which would doom us.

Sometimes you hear people talk about life on earth being meaningless, and when they talk such talk, often one of the first examples they mention is meaningless suffering – perhaps the suffering of an innocent child.  And on the terms of mere earth, they may be quite right.  They do see something that is real, for apart from God, earth is meaningless.  Earth all by itself leads nowhere.  That is the message of Ecclesiastes.  If you rip God out of earth and try to discern meaning in earth, you will come up empty.  Thus, what seems to be meaningless suffering carries meaning because if nothing else, it demonstrates the meaninglessness of earth on its own.  So-called “meaningless suffering” screams to you to stop pursuing earth.  There is no meaning there.

But the irony is that the very people who say earth has no meaning often spend their lives pursuing their meaning in earth.  They recognize that earth cannot fulfill them, but they seek their fulfillment in it.  When you recognize that earth on its own is empty, broken, and meaningless, you should look beyond earth for meaning and fulfillment.  Suffering helps you see this reality.

Thus, even when suffering seems meaningless, it is that sense of meaninglessness that is part of its meaning.  It points you away from earth so you can find your purpose elsewhere. 

As I watched my mom suffer, I saw so clearly how empty and shallow earth is.  I saw suffering that, on earthly terms, had no meaning.  But what I saw drove me to think more on God, who Himself suffered and bled for me, and in doing so, instilled meaning into His suffering and gave me hope in mine.    

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The Scandal of Love

Love came down and walked on earth.

Have you seen him?

Love was wrapped in a virgin birth.

Have you known him?


Broken.  Dying.  Stealing.  Lying.

Corrupt and needy.  Weak and greedy.

Love came here.


In weakness he was clothed.

Unheard of!

And took weakness as his betrothed.



Have you heard this scandal of love?


To a bleeding, fallen world

he was sent

to bleed for paupers and prisoners.

His life was spent

to rescue the sinful, selfish soul.


Have you heard the scandal of love?


The king who spoke and galaxies formed

lay in the straw that first Christmas morn.

Infinite love met finite flesh,

cried as a babe, walked to his death.


Have you heard the scandal of love?


“Impossible!” you say.  “Insulting! A disgrace!”

Yes.  All scandals are.

But the shame that love bore

was both mine and yours.


The insult was for you,

the disgrace for me.

For love came to set us free.


Perhaps this is too much.

Perhaps over this you stumble.

But perhaps love is a lion,

and perhaps love is humble.

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Abiding and the Voice of God

And now, little children, abide in Him (I Jn 2:28). 

Abiding in Jesus is life itself.  It is the greatest joy, the strongest peace, the deepest desire you can have.  When you abide with Jesus, He satisfies your soul.

It is good to hear God’s voice on an issue, but it is better to abide with Jesus.  God speaks more to those who abide with Him.  When we make hearing God our greatest focus, we limit our ability to hear because we go only halfway.  God wants us not merely to hear from Him but to abide with Him. Abiding involves intimacy.  God is most intimate with those who are most intimate with Him.  My wife is more apt to tell me her heart than my neighbor is because I abide more closely with my wife than with my neighbor. 

Abiding with Jesus increases your ability to hear from God because it draws you near Him.  If you want the voice of God, abide with Jesus.

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God’s Voice and Your Heart

I was recently helping a refugee student with high school algebra and found quickly that his problems with algebra were not with algebra.  He did not know basic math.  He could not add or subtract fractions or negative numbers.  He did not know what decimals represented.  He struggled with the basic multiplication table and did not know how to do division.  But somehow, after he came to America, the school placed him in Algebra, and he had homework asking him to graph parabolic functions.  I couldn’t help him much with the homework because he couldn’t graph even a single point if I gave him the coordinates.  He didn’t know what a graph was.  How he got in Algebra is beyond me.  He had no business being there.  He learned nothing in that class because the class didn’t teach the skills he needed to learn.  The class assumed that everyone already knew those skills.  Math is this way.  You must master lower skills before you can move on. 

Life is this way too.  You must learn your job before you are able to lead in it.  You must see your sin before you apologize.  You need to get married before you get pregnant.  When you get life backwards, it’s like my student trying to do algebra when he can’t add or subtract.  It’s a mess.

When it comes to hearing the voice of God, this same principle holds.  God has established certain prerequisites to hearing from Him, and these, in general, pertain to your heart and to obedience.  God speaks more clearly to those with pure, obedient hearts.

Why should God speak to you when you won’t heed Him?  If we ask for God’s direction but are unwilling to go wherever He may lead, we have a more foundational problem than direction.  Before God gives us the direction we want, we need the heart He wants.

When God speaks to you, He entrusts you with His message.  If you are merely going to trample His message, why should He give it to you?  God entrusts His messages to those whom He most trusts, and those whom He most trusts are those who have His heart.  If you want to hear more from God, pursue His heart in you.

Pursue humility.  Confess sin.  Die to your desires.  Let go of earthly distractions.  Glorify Jesus in your heart and mind, with your words and deeds.  Give thanks.  Praise Him for His steadfast love and faithfulness.  Consider Him holy and righteous.  Enjoy His goodness and beauty.  If you want to hear from God, pursue these practices from the heart.  God will then begin conforming you into a man or woman more able to hear from Him.  The closer your heart draws near to His, the better you will hear His voice. 

The state of your heart is more important than getting guidance for your career or family.  God will gladly withhold His voice if doing so forces you to trust Him.  Or He may speak, but you miss His voice because your heart is not attuned to His Spirit.  Either way, your heart is foundational.  Everything God does or does not do for you has your heart as its primary aim.  His voice and His silence are aimed at your heart.  If you wish to discern His voice, you must trust Him from the heart. 

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The Voice of God and the Word of God

Lord, teach me your Word, that I may know your heart.

If someone hands me the phone, and I hear my wife’s voice on the other end, no one has to tell me who I am talking to.  I don’t see her, but I know her voice. 

God wants His voice to be something we know.  So how do you learn His voice?

I learned my wife’s voice by listening to her and spending much time with her.  We learn God’s voice by listening to Him and spending much time with Him.  Of course, God’s voice is not auditory, so we must listen in a different way, but the principle remains the same.  If you spend little time with God and if you never try to listen, you will never learn His voice.  The most common reason people do not hear the voice of God is that they don’t even try.

Sometimes they believe God is nebulous – so why bother?  Sometimes they don’t like what God says, so they shut Him out.  But most people don’t think much of anything about God.  They are so busy going to work and school, cooking dinner, shopping for groceries, watching movies, surfing the internet, thinking about a guy or girl, fixing their car, taking their kids to the doctor, and more – that they have no time to think on God.  It’s not that they think God is nebulous, confusing, or distasteful.  It’s that they don’t think on God at all.  God is irrelevant to their world, so the idea that He can speak to them is likewise irrelevant.  When people laugh at the idea that you can hear from God, it is usually these people who are doing the laughing. 

But those who have faith will take steps to know God.  They will want to hear His voice, and the first place in which you will hear the voice of God is in the Scriptures.  The Bible is the very Word of God.  It reveals how God thinks.  It contains His voice.  When you immerse yourself in Scripture, you immerse yourself in the voice of God.  You soak your mind in God’s thoughts.  When you ignore Scripture, you ignore the voice and mind of God.

Saturate your mind with Scripture, and you prepare yourself to hear from God.  Scripture provides the intellectual, spiritual, and moral operating system through which God speaks.  It reveals the culture of heaven.  It is the worldview God has breathed out.

Soaking your heart and mind in Scripture helps you know God’s voice because God’s voice will never contradict God’s Word.  Scripture provides a pattern that God’s spoken voice will fit, a standard that it will conform to.  It provides the background for hearing from the Holy Spirit.

Suppose a friend tells you that your mother spoke glowingly about a politician that you know she cannot stand.  You know that your friend is mistaken, not because you heard the specific conversation yourself, but because you know your mother.  Perhaps the friend missed some sarcasm, but his claim is false, and you know it.  You have background knowledge about your mom based on repeated experience with how she thinks and talks.  This background helps you recognize her message.

It also helps you interpret her message when she speaks.  Let’s say you know that your mom can get animated when she explains herself.  When that happens, you know she is not angry because you know that’s just the way she is.  You know her heart.  But someone who doesn’t know her so well may ask why she is so upset. 

Scripture helps you in these ways.  It shows you the heart and mind of God, and as you get to know how God thinks and feels, you begin to recognize the sorts of messages God would or would not say.

Knowing Scripture is essential for discerning God’s voice.  If you want to know the voice of God, get to know the Bible. 

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God Speaks

And Samuel said [to the Lord], “Speak, for your servant hears.”  (I Sam 3:10)

I want to hear from you, Lord.  I don’t want a life in which you are far off.  I want your presence, your voice, your direction, your will for my life. 

God still speaks.

Some people want to deny the voice of God today, but He speaks nonetheless.  He has spoken to me concerning my career, education, wife, children, faith, parents, and friends.  He has given me direction concerning my entertainment and health, concerning how to spend my time and His money.  He has spoken to me about my sin and prayers, about the Scriptures and His character.  I would venture to say that God has spoken to me about virtually every aspect of life worth talking about. 

The reason God speaks to His people is that He made us ultimately for relationship with Him, and relationship involves communication.  In fact, I would go so far as to say that God’s communication with His people is a necessary consequence of His restoring us to Himself.  Whatever words you wish to use – salvation, redemption, reconciliation, forgiveness, justification, and more – I would argue that the end result of those words is to restore the relationship that existed in the garden before sin entered the world.  The purpose of those acts is to make you an adopted son or daughter of the great king, to unite you with Christ as a bride unites with her husband.  God is your father.  Christ is your groom.  Those are intensely relational concepts that demand ongoing communication. 

I fully understand why nonChristians question the idea of God speaking.  They have no real relationship with God at all, and consequently, can have no deep experience of hearing God’s voice.  But sometimes people who identify as Christians talk as nonChristians do.  This is a bit disconcerting because these people claim salvation but disclaim the relationship that their salvation is supposed to procure.  We are saved so we can be with God and He with us, but if God never speaks anymore, for all practical purposes we are on our own. 

For the Christian, this should never be.  When your sin is gone, God comes to live inside you, and you may approach the throne of grace with boldness.  When your sin is gone, expect a new relationship with God.  Speak to God and let Him speak to you. 

This new relationship with God through Christ requires an investment on your part.  You get out of your relationships what you put into them.

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