
What is a Person?

A fetus is alive.  That is indisputable.  A fetus is human.  That is indisputable.  Put those two facts together and you find that a fetus is a human life.  Everyone agrees that at some point a fetus has human worth.  Everyone has a magic line beyond which you can no longer kill.  Prolife people consistently believe that line to be conception because at conception we now have a human life.  Proabortion people say, “No, that magic line lies elsewhere.”  They may not know exactly where that line is, and those who propose such a line certainly disagree amongst themselves over…

But What About . . .

In previous blogs I have stated why I am prolife.  I now want to address arguments you will hear from the proabortion side.  Choice A woman has a right to do what she wants with her own body.  This is the main argument the proabortion side gives.  My body, my choice.  You’ll hear this a million times in the media.  And, of course, I support the sentiment as a general statement.  In general, everyone should have the right to do what they want with their own bodies.  No complaints there. But we recognize exceptions to the principle.  We know that…

Abortion, Morality, and Human Rights

A pregnant woman is carrying a human life.  Science indicates this.  The continuity of the development points to this. Our intuitions imply this.  Our language suggests this.  Scripture shows this. The Church fathers plainly state this. But the prolife argument is stronger than merely the humanity of the fetus.  I see specific ethical factors inherent in a pregnancy that strengthen the moral obligation a mother has for her unborn child.  Here are four: The fetus is completely helpless and vulnerable, and those who are strong have a special moral responsibility to care for those who are weak.  The fetus is…

Christianity and Abortion

Up to this point, in my discussion on abortion, I have said nothing about religion.  I do not believe you need religion to know that a pregnant woman is carrying a human life.  But I want to shift and now talk directly to the Christian who honors the Bible as holy.  So to the Christian: Christians do not abort their children. All humans are created in the image of God (Gen 1:27).  This doctrine is the foundation for human rights, and human rights belong to all humans. Here are some Scriptures that speak of the unborn as humans or having…

A Fetus is a Human is a Baby is a Child

In my previous blog I argued from science that a fetus is a distinct human life. I now want to appeal to something entirely different.  I propose that we humans intuitively know that a fetus is a human is a baby is a child.  Our language and our emotions give us away.  Let me tell a story. When I taught English, I gave my students each year a persuasive essay assignment in which they could write on any topic they chose.  Abortion was by far the most popular topic, and every year I found myself reading scads of essays on…