
Practices for Handling Money

Before I talk about Biblical practices for handling money, read the previous blog “Principles for Handling Money” here.  That blog describes heart attitudes toward money, and a right heart is the foundation for right practices.  Everything I say here presupposes what I said there.  If you understand what a right heart looks like, what does that heart do with money?  I will cover financial practices in multiple blogs, but for now, here are three. Give Sacrificially:  Giving may be the single most important thing you do with your money.  Whatever your income, you can give something.  And you need to…

Principles for Handling Money

Money is earthly.  Money is spiritual.  Money is an earthly substance with enormously spiritual implications.  Money is God to many people.  They bow to it.  They live for it.  Their joy is in it.  Because money can wield such spiritual influence, Christian and secular people think on money in vastly different ways.  Secular thinking focuses on earth.  Consequently, secular advice on handling money tends to focus on how to maximize money or utilize money solely for the here and now.  Secular people do not think about how money impacts their soul or their eternity.  They focus on good principles for…

The Star

The star shone cold and clear, winking on the desert plain. Just another night.  No special sight. Shepherds, sheep . . . bed down to sleep. Herod, covered by his palace and power, his fear in his tower, pays no notice. It’s a single star shining amidst an eternity. Just another night.  No special sight. A king, a birth . . . but nothing of worth. A thousand miles east, magi feast on the sky, a scroll to the eye so versed. The star sings the coronation of a king, “Come and see!  Come and see!” The star still shines….

God Provides

The Lord is my shepherd.  I shall not want.  (Psalm 23:1) And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.  (Ph 4:19) Praise you, Father, for you give freely and abundantly all we need for every good work in Christ Jesus.  God provides.  We moved to Austin in October 2001.  At the time, we had no job and three small children, one of whom was in the womb, so we knew we had some hefty medical bills in front of us.  We came because God called us to come. It was…

Abortion and the Sexual Revolution

In 2020, COVlD ravaged the world, and people died by the millions.  The Center for Disease Control reports that in the United States in 2021, the year in which COVID deaths peaked, COVID “was associated with approximately 460,000 deaths.”[1] That is the worst year the United States had with COVID.  In 2020, the United States aborted about 930,000 children.[2]  Thus, if COVID was a problem (and it was), abortion is more than double the problem.  In its down years, abortion takes the lives of far more people than COVID ever did in its worst year.  If you considered COVID to…