
Mystery and Doctrine Must Kiss

Can you find out the deep things of God? Can you find out the limit of the Almighty? It is higher than heaven — what can you do? Deeper than Sheol — what can you know? (Job 11:7-8)  But as for you, teach what accords with sound doctrine. (Titus 2:1) We have spent a number of blogs telling the Christian story. The discussion has been necessary because everything else about Christianity flows out of that story. The story is the foundation. Now we can start building. We will begin building by talking about Christian beliefs — also called Christian theology. These discussions will…

When Earth Ends

Sometimes people talk as if the Christian story ends in the first century. It does not. In fact, if you read what Jesus said, you quickly discover that He often spoke of His future return. So then, the Resurrection is not the end of the story.   Indeed, the end of the story has yet to occur. Christianity is a religion that is in the middle of its story. As far as time on Earth is concerned, the Bible talks as if we are now in the last days. Peter spoke this way at Pentecost (Acts 2:16ff). So if history were…

From the Manger to the World

In the days of the Roman Empire, during the reign of Augustus Caesar, when King Herod was tetrarch in Judea, a child was born to peasant parents in the town of Bethlehem.  They were Jews.  The mother’s name was Mariam.  God had told Mariam that He was giving her a child even though she had slept with no man.  God had said that the boy she was carrying would be great and would be called Son of the Most High, that this boy would sit on the throne of his father David and would “reign over the house of Jacob…

The Christian Story

The following blogs were transferred from our previous website.  They were posted between Sept and Nov 2015 and tell most of the story of God’s love.  The ending of the story, however, is continued in the more recent blogs on this site.  Airplanes and Religion Two men brusquely rushed through an airport terminal.  “I need to hurry, for my flight to New York leaves in 10 minutes,” said the first man. “Oh, no hurry,” said the other.  “It doesn’t matter which plane you get on.  In the end, they all end up in New York.” I know.  It’s a silly…

The Oddity of Truth

At the University of Texas, the main tower has these words inscribed on it:  “You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.”  Most people at the university probably do not know that those words came from Jesus and that He was talking about living in His word and following Him as a disciple (see John 8:31-2).  Today when people see those words at a university, they likely think more about the pursuit of truth in different disciplines like science or philosophy.  But even here, scholars in different fields often see truth in different ways.  And for…