
God is Greater Than His Character Traits

Who is like you, O Lord, among the gods? (Ex 15:11)  Father, You are incomprehensible. No other god, no other person can compare. You surpass the nations, and You exceed the boundaries of our knowledge. Truly, You are worthy. Over the past months, this blog has discussed many attributes of God — love, justice, wrath, mercy, omniscience, omnipotence, Trinity, and more.   After reading these descriptions, two things ought to strike us. First, God has revealed a great deal about Himself. Second, God has not revealed everything. He is far bigger and greater than what He has revealed. The past blogs…

Love, Marriage, and the Trinity

God is love. (I Jn 4:8)  ‘Therefore, a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.’ So they are no longer two but one flesh. (Mk 10:7-8)  Paul, an apostle — not from men nor through man, but through Jesus Christ and God the Father, who raised him from the dead … (Gal 1:1) God, I praise you not just because you are beyond my understanding but because your mystery helps me understand other mysteries. We’ve been talking about the Trinity — the Father, Jesus, the Holy Spirit. All…

Stephen Hawking and the Trinity

Thus says the Lord, the King of Israel and his Redeemer; the Lord of hosts: ‘I am the first and I am the last; besides me there is no god.’ (Is 44:6)  In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God … and the Word became flesh and dwelt among us. (Jn 1:1; 14)  Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in you? (I Cor 3:16)  Father, Lord Jesus, and Spirit: I don’t understand, but I praise who you are. Imagine a world where temperatures…


There is…one Spirit…one Lord…one God and Father of all. (Eph 4:4-6)  … baptizing them in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit … (Mt 28:19)  I am God, and there is no other; I am God and there is none like me. (Is 46:9)  I and the Father are one. (Jn 10:30)  Now the Lord is the Spirit (II Cor 3:17)  …which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit. (II Cor 3:18) Lord Jesus and Precious Holy Spirit, we rightly give you praise and worship. We offer you the same allegiance due the…

Abba, Father

You received the Spirit of sonship, and by him we cry, “Abba, Father.” (Rm 8:15) You are my Father, my Daddy, my Papa. You love me and care for me.  You make yourself known and call me to commune with you. Grant to me a continual and abiding intimacy with you. Deepen our relationship and let it be said in heaven and on earth that here is one who knows God. Can you know a computer? How about a factory? Or a theory? Or a process? Of course, the answer is yes. We can know all sorts of things, but…