
The Church

. . . on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  (Mt 16:18) How precious is your church, O Lord.  She is your jewel, your Beloved, the ones you ransomed from the pit and made your own.  May we see her in all her glory, clothed in the righteousness of Christ and living as sons and daughters of the High King.  And may we honor her as one honors the bride of royalty. A picture is worth a thousand words. You have heard the saying. And though Jesus predates the…

On the Third Day

. . . he was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures (I Cor 15:4) Praise you, Father, for you have revealed your power and have conquered sin and death.  You have brought your people hope and shown that you reign over history.  I suppose it is a tad strange to think that an executed criminal somehow rescues the human race from its most dire problem, but then truth is a bit strange. Christian doctrine doesn’t claim to be plain or ordinary. It claims to be true. And besides … the “strange” story of Jesus doesn’t end…

Why the Cross?

the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved, it is the power of God. (I Cor 1:18)  There once was a man who wanted to build a bridge to the sun, so he fit stones together and began to raise up a bridge from the ground. His bridge looked beautiful, and much effort went into it, but in the end, the man failed. His goal was hopeless. Such is the story of those who think their works will get them to heaven. And yet, ironically, most people don’t see…

Discerning Christians From Imposters

Beware false prophets who come to you in sheep’s clothing (Matt 7:15) Father, grant us your Spirit to discern our hearts and the hearts of others.  Christians are new creatures in Christ, sanctified and made clean through our Savior. Yet Christians still struggle with sin. We do not always find it easy to live out our identity in Christ. The past several weeks I have given some principles to help us in our fight for holiness. I now want to address a related question. If Christians still sin, how do we tell the difference between a genuine Christian wrestling with…

The Fight Part III

Fight the good fight of the faith (I Tim 6:12) Father, take my mind off of this world and put it squarely on your precious Word. We are victorious in Christ. But we must fight. We are holy and clean in the Beloved. But we struggle to live out our holiness. So far I have been giving principles for the fight. 1. Understand that we are sinful and weak on our own. 2. Rest in the work of Christ in us. 3. Walk by faith, not by sight. Today, let’s add a couple new principles for fighting the fight of…