
Practices for Handling Money

Before I talk about Biblical practices for handling money, read the previous blog “Principles for Handling Money” here.  That blog describes heart attitudes toward money, and a right heart is the foundation for right practices.  Everything I say here presupposes what I said there.  If you understand what a right heart looks like, what does that heart do with money?  I will cover financial practices in multiple blogs, but for now, here are three.

Give Sacrificially:  Giving may be the single most important thing you do with your money.  Whatever your income, you can give something.  And you need to give something, not just for financial reasons but because giving is healthy for your soul.  Giving is how your soul lets go of money.  Giving is the best way to combat greed. 

A heart that wants to follow Jesus sees the goodness, the necessity, and the benefits of giving and embraces it.  A heart that cares little for Jesus will hold onto what is mine, mine, mine. 

God will not require everyone to give the same amount or even the same percentage, but He will require everyone to give. 

Giving needs to be a sacrifice.  The billionaire who gives millions hasn’t made a sacrifice.  Your giving should cause you to go without something you would otherwise have if you did not give. 

For more on giving go here and here.

Live Within Your Means:  This practice deals with spending, and because it deals with spending, it deals with your lifestyle.  Don’t try to live a lifestyle you can’t afford.  If you can afford only a one-bedroom house, don’t buy a three-bedroom house.  If you can afford only a 600 square foot apartment, don’t rent a 1200 square foot one.  Don’t go on a vacation you can’t pay for or buy a new car when you can afford only a used one.  All these choices are lifestyle choices, and all these choices deal with spending. 

How you handle money impacts your lifestyle.  You may not be able to live like everyone around you or like the happy people in the commercials. 

Instead you must live within your means.  This practice is a contentment issue.  People who are content with what they have live with what they have.  If you think you should have more, you will face pressure to spend more, whether you can afford it or not.  If you believe you need what you do not need – a bigger pickup, a cabin at the lake, more entertainment, whatever – then you will spend what you can’t afford.  Such spending is fundamentally a spiritual problem that has caused a financial problem. 

You must live within your means for multiple reasons.

First, doing so prevents financial disaster and debt. 

Second, doing so frees money for God’s kingdom.  Most people who do not live within their means do not give.  They don’t think they can give because they think they need more money just to meet their “needs.”

Third, doing so removes the stress from wanting more money.  When you desire more money, you are never content or grateful.  You are stressed. 

Fourth, doing so removes the stress from being unable to pay your bills.  People who do not live within their means can postpone the day of financial reckoning by taking on debt or finagling money from family or friends, but sooner or later they will meet this wall. 

Fifth, doing so helps your soul because it causes you to let go of earth and to say no to pleasures you might want.  Jesus said you must deny self and take up your Cross and follow Him.  God never intends dying to self to be merely an interesting philosophy.  He intends you to practice it, and sometimes He gives you less money than you would like so you can practice it. 

Sixth, doing so helps grow you in self-control and discipline.  The woman who buys the new clothes she can’t afford lacks self-control and discipline.  The woman, however, who wants to eat out every day but who packs a lunch and eats at home builds her self-control and discipline.  Living within your means helps you control money instead of letting money control you.

Seventh, doing so is more honest.  When you live a lifestyle you can’t afford, you pretend to be someone you are not.  You are living a lie.  Your life is just a show. 

If you are content in Christ, you will live within your means.  Pursue Christ.  Love Christ.  Enjoy Christ.  Your spending will then follow your heart. 

Avoid Get-Rich-Quick Schemes:  Earn $10,000 a month working from home . . . Double your income with a phone call . . . How I became a multimillionaire in one year! 

Ads like these are everywhere, and they appeal to the person who wants to get rich.  Ignore them.  These schemes are problematic on multiple levels.  They promote greed, sow discontentment, and focus on self.  They highlight money, increase your anxiety, and push you to trust the wrong source for your provision.  From this perspective alone, get-rich-quick schemes are toxic for your soul.  Avoid them.

But these schemes are also problematic from the perspective of dollars and cents.  Most of these schemes are scams.  They promise a downpour but deliver a desert.  More often they take more than they give.  Thus, in most instances, they will make you poorer as you pursue a dream that makes you more miserable. 

Get-rich-quick schemes are, thus, foolish because they rob your heart and your pocketbook.

Instead of looking to get rich quick, try looking for some good work.  Be faithful, responsible, and full of integrity in your work, and live within your means.  This mentality will be healthier for your soul and better able to provide the needs for you and your family. 

People who have the peace of Christ have no desire to get rich quick.  Those, however, who desire to be rich fall into all sorts of problems (I Tim 6:9). 

Posted by mdemchsak, 0 comments

Principles for Handling Money

Money is earthly.  Money is spiritual.  Money is an earthly substance with enormously spiritual implications.  Money is God to many people.  They bow to it.  They live for it.  Their joy is in it.  Because money can wield such spiritual influence, Christian and secular people think on money in vastly different ways. 

Secular thinking focuses on earth.  Consequently, secular advice on handling money tends to focus on how to maximize money or utilize money solely for the here and now.  Secular people do not think about how money impacts their soul or their eternity.  They focus on good principles for investing now or saving now or how to get the most product for their buck. 

Christian thought, however, has an eternal and spiritual focus.  Christians see all of the temporal and practical matters of the here and now and may even agree with much secular advice on investing and saving and what not.  But Christians see more than this, and they do not believe that these temporal, practical matters are the main thing.  In fact, to the Christian, secular advice may be woefully impractical because it ignores the main thing. 

In secular thinking, you maximize earthly gain.  But in Christianity, sometimes you sacrifice earthly gain for the sake of your soul.  Thus, as I give Christian principles for how to handle money, sometimes I will be at loggerheads with what the secular world will tell you.  On other points dealing with practical earthly matters, we may agree to an extent, but as long as I take my cues from above and they take theirs from the here and now, we can never fully agree.  The Christian and secular person will never fully see eye to eye on money.

With that as an intro, let’s dive into some Christian principles for handling money.

God owns it all

Perhaps the first fact we need to understand about money is that whatever money we have is not ours.  It is God’s money, and God has seen fit to let us manage it.  This is a fact that our flesh fights against.  “No!” we scream.  “It’s my money!  I worked the job!  I got the paycheck!  The bank account has my name on it!” 

But it isn’t my money.  God gave me the job.  God gave me the talents and skills I use in that job.  God gave me the breath I breathe so I can work that job.  And God did the same with my employer.  The very money that my employer paid me came from God.  Not only does God own the money I have, but God owns the house, the car, the clothes, the jewelry, everything.  In fact, God owns me.  He may let me use the material possessions in my domain as a father lets his children use the bedroom they sleep in.  He may let me manage the money in a bank account with my name on it as an investor lets a financial planner manage his funds, but the child doesn’t own the bedroom nor the manager the money.

 What this means for the purpose of handling money is that we need to manage God’s money for God’s purposes and not for ours.  Of course, God’s purposes will include providing for the needs of you and your family, but He will also have bigger purposes than that.  He wants to see if you can trust Him enough to use His money as He decides. 

Be grateful

Gratitude flows naturally from the fact that God owns it all.  If God owns everything I have, then everything I have comes from grace.  I don’t deserve one cent of the money I have.  Whether I am financially rich or poor, I deserve less. 

Satan fights against gratitude by convincing us that we own the money, that we worked for it, and that we deserve to do what we please with it.  When the heart holds onto money, it is not grateful for it.

Satan also fights against gratitude by getting us to compare ourselves with those who have more and by convincing us that we deserve more.  When you think that way, you will not be grateful.  But when you see that you deserve nothing and that you own nothing of what God has entrusted you with, you are grateful for what you have. 

Gratitude does not involve how much money you have but how you view the money you have.  A poor elderly woman can be grateful for her pittance, while a rich young man can feel entitled to more.  Or a wealthy man can be grateful for his estate, while a poor woman is bitter that others have more.  Gratitude is in your heart, not in your bank account. 

Be content with what you have

Contentment also flows naturally from the fact that God owns it all, and contentment is crucial to handling money properly.  When you are content in Christ, you are content.  And when you are content, you don’t need more money to be content.  I’ve written on this already here.

Understand that money is temporary

When you die, the money doesn’t go with you.  Money is useful for 80 or 90 years, but in eternity it is useless.  Why trade away eternal benefit so you can have something for 90 years?  That’s a foolish trade.  Live for eternity.  When you consider how to handle money, do so with eternity in mind. 

Let go of money

If God owns it all, let Him own it.  Stop handling money as if it is yours.  Money has the power to corrupt your heart and devour your soul, and almost everyone whom money corrupts and devours has no idea what it does to them.  It is a cancer quietly eating away their heart while they go to work, raise their kids, and buy their home.  If you cannot let go of money, money will not let go of you.  It will drive you and control you and enslave you, and you won’t even know it. 

Let go of it! You can’t live for God and for money.  Let go of it!  If you gain the whole world but lose your soul, you are a fool.  Let go of it!  It’s not yours.  Let go of it!  You can’t take it with you to eternity.  Let go of it!

The heart must be free from money.  You cannot serve two masters.  If Christ is your Lord, money will not be.  If money is your Lord, Christ will not be.  The most effective way to let go of money is to cling with all your heart to Christ, to love Him, pursue Him, adore Him, and serve Him.  This is not just a show.  Many who claim the name of Christ don’t love or serve Him.  Jesus must be your Lord from the heart.  It must be real.  Do that, and you will begin the fight of letting go of money. 

Up to this point, every principle I have mentioned has focused on heart attitudes.  The heart is central.  Many people who talk about money talk only about outward behaviors – saving, spending, debt, investment, emergency funds, IRAs.  But the stance of the heart toward money is the foundation for outwardly handling money in a godly manner.  If the heart is wrong, the behaviors will be misplaced at best. 

Posted by mdemchsak, 0 comments

The Star

The star shone cold and clear,

winking on the desert plain.

Just another night.  No special sight.

Shepherds, sheep . . . bed down to sleep.

Herod, covered by his palace and power,

his fear in his tower, pays no notice.

It’s a single star shining amidst an eternity.

Just another night.  No special sight.

A king, a birth . . . but nothing of worth.

A thousand miles east, magi feast on the sky,

a scroll to the eye so versed.

The star sings the coronation of a king,

“Come and see!  Come and see!”

The star still shines.

But to those trapped in their delights,

it’s just another night.  No special sight.

Sellers, buyers . . . pursuing their desires.

So few hear the song

and come to see  

the worth of the king

and love bound in broken flesh.

Such a wondrous night.  A special sight.

Meekness, glory . . . wrapped in one story.

Posted by mdemchsak, 0 comments

God Provides

The Lord is my shepherd.  I shall not want.  (Psalm 23:1)

And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.  (Ph 4:19)

Praise you, Father, for you give freely and abundantly all we need for every good work in Christ Jesus. 

God provides. 

We moved to Austin in October 2001.  At the time, we had no job and three small children, one of whom was in the womb, so we knew we had some hefty medical bills in front of us.  We came because God called us to come.

It was a difficult time financially.  Mike worked various temp jobs, a bit as a substitute teacher, and had a spattering of writing gigs.  These jobs helped slow down the financial bleeding, but none of them could support a family.  We had some savings, but we watched it plummet that first year.

Rebekah was born in that first year, and when she was born, we were looking at three car seats in the back seat of a Mercury Topaz.  We bought a larger used car for about $1500.  It was all we could afford.  A couple months later, the engine blew, and we were back where we started, except $1500 poorer.  That was early summer.

In September 2002, everything changed.  On Labor Day weekend, someone gave us a van.  They didn’t know our financial situation or even our need for a larger car.  They just felt that God was telling them to give us a van. 

That same month, Harcourt asked Mike to come to San Antonio to receive training on an upcoming project they wanted him to write for.  The project turned out to be an enormous one, and Mike suddenly was writing constantly through the end of the year.  Pay for the writing always came a month or two after the submission, so around mid-October, we began receiving paychecks, and income for December was about $9000.  We tithed, paid our living expenses, and put the rest into our savings. 

In January 2003, Leanne looked at our savings balance and compared it to the balance from January 2002 and found that the number was about the same.  We went through all that financial uncertainty for a year only to have God replenish our finances in two months. 

God provides.  That is a basic truth that every Christian must hold onto.  We learned it in 2002.  I don’t mean that we never struggle with God’s provision today but rather that 2002 was a watershed year for us concerning trusting God to provide. 

God provides.  The psalmist says he has never seen God’s children lacking bread.  Jesus says your heavenly Father knows you need food and clothing, and He will take care of you.  After all, He feeds the birds and clothes the lilies.  Aren’t you more important than they?

God provides.  Many of our problems with money flow from our thinking that we provide for ourselves.  We get laid off and don’t see how we can make ends meet because we believe we are our own providers, and we no longer have the means to provide. 

But God is our provider, and He has the means even when we don’t.  Thus, when we get laid off, our ultimate source of income is still intact.  I know it can be hard to see this when the checking account has a two-dollar balance (I’m serious.  I know how hard this is), but if God is our Father, we have what we need. 

God provides.  Jesus had no place to lay His head and had a wardrobe that consisted of one tunic, yet His Father provided.  God does not promise us great wealth.  He promises that we will have what we need, and the most important things we need are not material.  For example, would you rather have peace and joy in the midst of poverty and hunger, or no peace and joy with great riches?  Believers who know hunger – for example in North Korea – would tell you that God provides their needs.  They don’t eat as we eat, but they rejoice nonetheless.  When I say God provides, I am not saying you will be rich.  I am not saying you will be free from financial difficulties or other hardships.  I am saying simply that you will have enough material goods to rejoice in Christ and do what God calls you to do.

God provides.  This truth comes down to trust.  You have a surgery and are looking at astronomical medical bills.  Can you trust God with them?  You believe God wants you to attend college but see no way to pay for it.  Can you trust Him to provide?  You lost your job.  You got divorced.  You were in a car wreck and totaled your car.  Can you trust God in these situations? 

If you are from a place where the government or culture is hostile to Jesus, your financial problems may have a different source.  The police have come and beat you so that you are unable to work.  Your husband was put in prison for the sake of Christ.  The family that supported you has now disowned you.  Can you trust Him to provide?  He will.

Provision is a trust issue, and trust is why God allows us to go through hardship.  When life is smooth and nice, who needs to trust?  But when you suddenly can’t pay the bills, and you see no earthly solution to your problems, it is then that we have opportunity to build trust and faith in our Provider.  We don’t see how, but we see Who.  Because we know that . . .

God provides. 

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Abortion and the Sexual Revolution

In 2020, COVlD ravaged the world, and people died by the millions.  The Center for Disease Control reports that in the United States in 2021, the year in which COVID deaths peaked, COVID “was associated with approximately 460,000 deaths.”[1] That is the worst year the United States had with COVID. 

In 2020, the United States aborted about 930,000 children.[2]  Thus, if COVID was a problem (and it was), abortion is more than double the problem.  In its down years, abortion takes the lives of far more people than COVID ever did in its worst year.  If you considered COVID to be bad, you should consider abortion to be worse. 

And yet, as big a problem as abortion is, it is really just a symptom of a deeper problem.  The West is inundated with thinking that drives the push for abortion on demand, and that thinking rises out of the sexual revolution.  The sexual revolution did not invent sexual immorality, but it normalized it and made it more palatable.  The sexual revolution encouraged sexual exploration and significantly lowered the standard for sexual activity from committed marriage between a husband and wife to mere consent.  It says we should be able to have sex when and where we want as long as there is consent.  In the West this thinking has increased sexual activity outside marriage and has cheapened the meaning of sex.  Consequently, the sexual revolution has also created a greater number of crisis pregnancies and, thus, in its own thinking, a greater need for abortions. 

One of the biggest consequences of free sex is unwanted pregnancy, and this is problematic to free sex because it means that sex isn’t free.  Sex has consequences.  Abortion, however, is a perceived remedy to the problem of pregnancy.  Have sex when and where you want, and if you get pregnant, no problem – get an abortion.  This is the way much of American culture thinks.  It’s a vicious circle.  Free sex creates more crisis pregnancies, which we resolve through more abortions so that we can be free to engage in sex as we wish, which then creates more crisis pregnancies, which we resolve . . .  We have to break this circle.  The sexual revolution has exacerbated the problem it wants abortion to remedy.  It increases crisis pregnancies and then complains that we have too many of them.  The sexual revolution is itself the problem. 

The sexual revolution wants dearly to reduce crisis pregnancies because crisis pregnancies interfere with free sex.  Of course, there is a way to significantly reduce crisis pregnancies, but that solution is not something the sexual revolution will consider because it involves the rejection of its main premise.  If we return sex to its proper place within the confines of a committed marriage between a husband and wife, we will significantly reduce unwanted pregnancies. 

If my proabortion friends really cared about sparing women from many difficult and unwanted pregnancies, there is an easier way to do that than abortion.  If the women are single, they could just say no to sex.  And the culture could teach single men to do the same.  I understand that that solution won’t cover every situation, but it will cover a boatload of them.  The proabortion position talks much about choice, but other than situations involving rape or incest, the mother has already made a choice.  She has chosen to participate in an action whose main purpose is procreation.  In the majority of those situations, the mother could have chosen not to get pregnant simply by abstaining from sex.  The prochoice position needs to consider the consequences of a woman’s choice before sex and not just after. 

Today, what I have suggested is considered ridiculous.  People read what I just said and laugh.  And that is precisely the problem.  Their ridicule illustrates my point.  A hundred years ago, the culture considered sex to be reserved for marriage.  That thinking was mainstream.  Today it is ludicrous. 

Our problem is deeper than abortion.  Abortion on demand is merely a symptom of the sexual revolution.  Western society thinks a certain way about sex, and that thinking produces a perceived need for abortions and with it a strong motive for dehumanizing unborn children.  Much of the West does not recognize the unborn as human because it does not want to.  The lives of the unborn interfere with free sex, and we want free sex.  These are some of the consequences of the sexual revolution, and we need to reject it.  It has been an abysmal failure. 

The sexual revolution is a deeper problem than abortion, but there is a problem even deeper than the sexual revolution.  It’s called self.  Self is what drives the sexual revolution.  In the West today, sex is about me, my pleasure, my desires, my happiness.  I decide.  I make my own rules.  And who are you to challenge me?  Only Christ and the Cross can deal with self.  We will not change the abortion problem until we change how we think about sex, and right now, sex in the West is so self-centered that we will never change how we think about it until we realize that our self is not the center of the universe.  Scripture has an answer to that problem.  It is called the Cross.  It is there that we die to self and that Christ by His grace gives us a new self. 



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What is a Person?

A fetus is alive.  That is indisputable.  A fetus is human.  That is indisputable.  Put those two facts together and you find that a fetus is a human life. 

Everyone agrees that at some point a fetus has human worth.  Everyone has a magic line beyond which you can no longer kill.  Prolife people consistently believe that line to be conception because at conception we now have a human life. 

Proabortion people say, “No, that magic line lies elsewhere.”  They may not know exactly where that line is, and those who propose such a line certainly disagree amongst themselves over where that line is, but everyone draws a line somewhere.  No morally sane person believes you can go around killing newborns just for the convenience of the mother.  At some point we all agree:  this is now a human being.  You can’t kill him. 

The question then is this:  where is that line?  At what point do we have a human being?

I want to take this blog to discuss various proabortion answers to that question.  Where is the line beyond which you can no longer kill?

Some argue that birth is that line.  This means that the line varies from pregnancy to pregnancy.  Most children are born close to nine months gestation, but some come early and others late.  If birth is the line, then a child born at six months is protected more than a child with greater development but still in the womb.  The latter child has more ability but, unfortunately, he hasn’t been born yet.  Birth changes the location of the child but not the essence of the child.  This makes birth somewhat arbitrary to use as a line.  Is the definition of a human being based on his location or his essence?  If essence, then birth is irrelevant.  The child in the womb twenty minutes ago is no different in essence from the child out of the womb now. 

But some say that birth is not arbitrary.  They sometimes argue that a necessary part of being human is social interaction, and until you are born, you have no social interaction.  Let me ask some questions.  Does this mean that the hermit in the mountains is not human?  Does this mean that if we discovered that the fetus could have primitive social interaction (maybe learn and respond to a human voice), that he would then be human?  Does this mean that twins could be human but single births can’t?  Does this mean that someone in a coma is not human?  Define social interaction in a way that is not ad hoc.  And why is that a necessary criterion?

Some claim that the line is not at birth but at a certain level of development. 

And where is that level?  Six months gestation?  Eight months?  Nine months?  And why did you pick the level you did?  If you pick nine months, does this mean that a preemie born at seven months is not a human but the more developed baby at nine months is a human even though he is not yet born?  Does this mean that two babies at seven months gestation are the same when one is born and one is not?  If they are both human at seven months, then the one in utero must be human and you can’t abort him.  If they are not human, then the one that is born must not be human, and you can kill it.  This is a big problem with relying on a developmental stage to define who is and isn’t a human. 

Some claim that the line is viability.  But viability is incredibly elastic.  If viability is the line, then a child born in Dallas, Texas is a human at seven months, but a child born in rural Sudan is not a human until nine months.  If viability is the line, then in the 1700s babies were human at nine months, but now they are human at seven months.  And in another 100 years maybe they will be human at five months.  Could we one day have the technology to have babies survive outside the womb from conception on?  If so, then those future babies would be human at conception, but ours are not human until seven months.  Viability changes with technology.  Does the definition of a human also change with technology? 

These are some problems inherent in the proabortion position.  When you ask proabortion people where their line is and why, they cannot be consistent.  Whatever criteria they use for excluding the fetus from humanity produces consequences they don’t want, and they end up picking and choosing what they want in an ad hoc way.

I have been discussing where proabortion people draw their line, but where they draw their line is tied up with what they think a person is. 

A fetus is alive, and a fetus is human.  A fetus is, thus, a human life.  Many proabortion people will admit this much.  They look at the science, at the continuity of the organism, at the photos, and at the feelings we all have, and admit that a fetus is a human life, but they do not admit that a fetus is a person.  Peter Singer is a good example of this.  Singer is a philosophy professor at Princeton, a proabortion thinker, and perhaps the best-known popularizer of this distinction between a human and a person.  If you were to ask Singer if the fetus is human, he would say, “yes.”  He realizes that the fetus must be human for the scientific and logical reasons already given.  But he wishes to make a distinction between a human and a person.  All beings with human mothers and fathers, human DNA, human body parts, etc are humans.  But not all humans are persons.  To Singer, persons must have consciousness, rational reflection, and autonomy, the ability to make decisions.[1]

He concludes that the fetus does not have these features and, thus, is not entitled to life. 

I have two enormous problems with Singer’s definition.  First, I find it disturbing for us to decide which humans are persons and which humans are not.  Singer’s position requires that we make this distinction, but the moment we make it, we put ourselves in the position of God.  We then say, “These humans deserve life.  Those humans don’t . . . These humans are real people.  Those are not.”  This stance is chilling.  This stance is what the Nazis did.  This stance is how you justify genocide and slavery.  And apparently abortion as well. 

Second.  Singer argues that no human is a person unless he has self-awareness, rational reflection and autonomy.  Newborns do not yet have those features.  People with Alzheimer’s, people in comas, people in vegetative states – all such people do not have those features.  I have a cousin who suffered brain damage in an auto accident, and after the accident, to the best of my knowledge, she had no self-awareness at all.  Was she a real person?  This is a huge problem with the position that a person must have certain abilities to be a real person.  In order to be consistent, Singer must allow for infanticide and for the killing of certain segments of the population. 

Surprisingly, Singer allows for such and argues on behalf of infanticide.  He writes:

I do not regard the conflict between the position I have taken and widely accepted views about the sanctity of infant life as a ground for abandoning my position.  These widely accepted views need to be challenged.[2]

Stop.  Go back and read that again. 

Singer admits that infants do not have self-awareness, rational reflection or autonomy and that they are, thus, not real people.  Singer thus admits that it is morally allowable to kill them.  Most proabortion people will not go that far because most proabortion people are not consistent.  Singer understands that if he is to be consistent, infanticide is a morally viable option. 

If your criteria for personhood requires abilities like self-awareness, rational reflection, and autonomy, then when exactly does a person become a person?  A year after birth?  A year and a half?  Three years?  When?  If you rely on vague categories like these, you can’t draw a line at which a person becomes a person.  You can’t draw it.  But the line comes after birth, and the line moves, and the line is subject to the interpretations of those who have power.  This, too, is chilling. 

Singer’s conclusions are my criticism of Singer’s ideas.  Singer’s conclusions are why I protest at vague criteria for personhood like self-awareness, rational reflection and autonomy.  I do not believe it is morally justifiable to kill infants.  Or people with Alzheimer’s.  Or people with severe Down’s Syndrome.  This thinking is heinous. 

But this thinking is the logical conclusion of the proabortion idea that a person is not a person unless he is self-aware, rational, and autonomous.  For those who believe this idea, I am glad most of you do not favor infanticide.  I am glad you are inconsistent in your thinking, but please understand that I am pointing out your inconsistency as evidence that your position is flawed. 

The fetus is a human.  All humans are persons.  Period. 

[1] Singer, Peter.  Practical Ethics. 2nd ed., Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993, pp. 169, 171, 188.

[2] Singer, Peter.  Writings on an Ethical Life.  London: Fourth Estate, 2000. p. 161.

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But What About . . .

In previous blogs I have stated why I am prolife.  I now want to address arguments you will hear from the proabortion side. 


A woman has a right to do what she wants with her own body.  This is the main argument the proabortion side gives.  My body, my choice.  You’ll hear this a million times in the media.  And, of course, I support the sentiment as a general statement.  In general, everyone should have the right to do what they want with their own bodies.  No complaints there.

But we recognize exceptions to the principle.  We know that if what you do with your body harms someone else’s body, then you do not have the right to do anything you want. In fact, we even have laws preventing people from harming their own bodies.  You can’t put heroin in your body without going against the law, even if that heroin affects no one else’s body.  You can’t enroll in school without putting certain vaccines in your body, even if you don’t want them.  A new mom can be prosecuted for harming her child if she does drugs or alcohol while pregnant.  Many governments codified COVID restrictions (masks, vaccines) and shut down businesses.  Their rationale was the opposite of bodily autonomy.  They said they can force people to do with their bodies what those people might not want to do.  Why?  It might help save other people’s bodies. 

Whether you agree or disagree with the specific laws above, you understand the rationale.

Bodily autonomy has limits, and everyone knows it.  The difference between the prolife and proabortion positions then is that the prolife position says a child in the womb is a special case that limits autonomy, but the proabortion position says it is not.  So even when we talk about the central argument of the proabortion position, we come back to this question:  is a pregnant woman carrying a human life? 

If she is carrying a human life, then she does not have the choice to kill him, even if she does not want the pregnancy.  If she is carrying a human life, then she does not have complete bodily autonomy, for what she does with her body affects someone else’s body.  If she aborts, the consequence is not mild.  It is death.  One hundred per cent of the time.[i]  If, however, she is not carrying a human life, then the morality of abortion becomes more difficult to discern. 

In 100% of pregnancies, we have more than one human life.  This fact limits bodily autonomy, and most pregnant mothers know this.  Most pregnant mothers change their habits while pregnant precisely because they know they are caring for another human being, and they want to take care of that little one.  In fact, we would consider a mom morally deficient if she did not care about the little one inside her. 

This is the first problem with the choice argument.  It does not recognize the harm that the mother’s choice brings to another human being. 

The second problem with the choice argument is that it turns out to be starkly one-sided.  The woman has a choice.  The child does not.  Ironically, this sounds like the thinking of the proslavery Confederacy.   Choice or freedom was a central argument the southern aristocracy used to justify slavery.  “You live your way; let us live ours.  We want the right to choose for ourselves how to live.”  This thinking was central to the Confederate psyche.  Today we recognize such thinking to be bankrupt because the South’s appeal to freedom ignored the freedom of millions of black men and women.  The freedom of choice the southern aristocracy spoke about was only for them.  If you were a slave, you had no choice, no freedom.  The proabortion position is just as narrow in who gets to choose.  The child has no choice.  She has the same choice a slave in Louisiana had in 1844. 

This is why the appeal to choice rings hollow.  It is an appeal to the choice of only one person in a decision that ultimately takes the life of another person.  No one has a legitimate choice to do that. 

Special cases  

The proabortion side talks profusely about special circumstances that it says change the moral equation on abortion.  Let’s discuss some of these.

Life of the mother:  Statistically speaking, cases in which a pregnancy threatens the life of the mother are so rare that they round off to zero.  Authorities on all sides, from Alan Guttmacher[ii] to C. Everett Koop acknowledge that in the United States, “abortion as a necessity to save the life of the mother is so rare as to be nonexistent.”[iii]

But let’s say one of these rarest of rare cases happens.  We must now make hard choices.  In these situations, we are now comparing one life to another.  We can save the mother or the baby, but not both.  If we can save the mother only by taking the life of the baby, then it is morally justifiable to take that life.  In fact, in most of these cases, if the mother dies, the baby dies too, and we lose two lives.

If, however, we have other medical options, we should pursue them first.  Abortion is a last resort. 

Rape or incest:  This argument states that anyone who would force a woman who has been raped to have a child is utterly callous to the woman’s feelings.  The woman did nothing wrong.  The woman does not want the child.  The woman suffers enormous emotional pain as it is.  Let her abort and move on.

I want to say several things to this. 

The first is that obviously rape and incest are tragedies, and the mothers who experienced them need our love and compassion.  They need a shoulder to cry on.  They need friends to help them through their crisis.  They may need counseling or financial help.  They need prayer.  They need to know they did nothing wrong.  They need to see justice done to the rapist.  They need people to come around them and love them.  These are some of the things they need, and prolife people are not callous to those needs.  Healing will not be easy or quick. 

But what a woman does not need is an abortion.  There is no such thing as abort and move on.  That thinking is naïve.  Research does not show that abortion helps women mentally or emotionally.  Priscilla Coleman reviewed 22 studies on the effects of abortion.  This entailed more than 870,000 participants.  These studies show that women who have abortions have an increased rate of mental illness of all sorts – suicide, depression, substance abuse, anxiety and more – and that a significant portion of that increase can be directly attributable to abortion.[iv]

In addition, Coleman unequivocally states that the putative benefits of abortion have no empirical basis.[v] 

Abortion does not seem to make traumatic events better.  If anything, it makes them harder to deal with.  Abortion may seem like an easy way out, but in the long run, it appears to be detrimental to a woman’s flourishing. 

Having the baby, however, seems to help.  In those same research studies, the comparison groups were women who carried to term and women with unintended pregnancies who carried to term, and in both instances, mental health was better for women who had their babies than for women who had abortions.[vi]  This is common sense.  So many times when a woman has a baby, the baby helps bring her healing.  The baby gives her purpose.  The baby gives her hope.  The baby helps her love again.  The baby brings her joy.  The circumstances behind the baby may be horrible, but the baby is not horrible.

Second, according to research from the Guttmacher Institute, rape and incest combined account for less than 1.5% of all abortions.[vii]  Roughly 99% of all abortions are for some reason other than the life of the mother, rape and incest.  Let’s suppose then, for the sake of argument, that I say to my proabortion friend that I will allow abortion for these 1% of abortions if he will grant that we prohibit the other 99%.  No one on the proabortion side is willing to do this, which tells me that rape and incest are not the real issues for them.  If we are going to deal with the proabortion position, we must focus somewhere else.  Proabortion people don’t consider these issues central. 

Rape and incest get disproportionate press in this debate.  As often as these issues come up, one might think that they are common reasons for abortion.  They aren’t. 

Third, we come back to the issue of whether the pregnant woman is carrying a human being.  If she is, then we do not resolve a rape by killing a human being.  One tragedy does not solve another.  It simply produces two tragedies instead of one.  If a pregnant woman isn’t carrying a human being, however, we can look at abortion as a possible solution.   

Fourth, rape involves all sorts of evil and wrongdoing, but the baby has done nothing wrong.  The person who needs to be punished is the rapist, not the baby.  Condemning the baby to death does no good.

Financial/Social/Emotional/Career Reasons:  The proabortion argument says that many women in crisis pregnancies are not ready to care for a baby.  They may live in poverty or be immature or have no husband or want to pursue a career.  I’m going to lump these reasons together, not because I believe they are identical but because the reasoning behind them is much the same.  The mother is in an especially difficult situation, having a child makes the situation harder, and my proabortion friend says I don’t care about her.  If I cared, I would let her abort.  My proabortion friend sees abortion as a solution to the mother’s problems. I don’t.    

I agree with my proabortion friend that many situations exist in which the mother is not ready to have a baby.  I disagree that the solution is to kill the baby.  My proabortion friend insists that the mother is not killing a baby, that she does not have a human being inside her.  And here we are again.  We come around to the central issue.  We can’t escape it.  Every argument, every case my proabortion friend brings up stands only if pregnant women are not carrying humans.  If, however, pregnancy involves more than one human, then my proabortion friend is fatally wrong and blatantly denies basic human rights to real human beings.  Everything hinges on this issue.

If a woman in a crisis pregnancy does not want a baby, she does have a viable alternative to abortion.  She can put her child up for adoption.  My wife was adopted as a newborn and grew up in a loving home.  I’m grateful that her birth mom chose to have her.  My life is much richer because a woman I never met decided to have a child she didn’t want.  If I could meet my wife’s birth mom, I would say thank you.  A thousand times over. 

Couples who want babies are waiting in line to adopt them.  Thus, a pregnant mom in a difficult situation can provide a good home for her child, even if that home is not her own.  And she can still be free to pursue her career.  If she wants to see the child as he grows up, she can.  If she does not want to, she does not have to.  Adoption provides a viable alternative to raising a child or to taking her life.  You don’t have to do either.

In a crisis pregnancy, a woman needs people to come around her and help her.  She needs to know she is not alone, and my proabortion friend wants to know what prolife people are doing for the mother.  To him, the prolife position cares only about babies and nothing for mothers.  This accusation gets flung around again and again, but I don’t find that it has much substance. 

What do Christian people do for pregnant moms? 

Let’s for a moment set aside every hospital, clinic, and shelter called St. so-and-so, Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, New Life, Resurrection or some other such name.  If you removed those sources of help for pregnant women, you would be removing an enormous swath of the American medical system.  But let’s not talk about those.   Let’s talk instead about the thousands of crisis pregnancy centers across the nation whose sole focus is to help women in these very pregnancies that prolife people are accused of ignoring.  These centers provide medical care, financial aid, counseling, support, classes, diapers, bottles, formula, baby clothes, car seats, and more.  And they provide these things with little to no government support and with volunteer staff.  In other words, I see prolife people giving their lives and money, and I see them working at the street level with women in difficult pregnancies.  I’d like to see my proabortion friends do something like this without government funding.  Give sacrificially of their own money and their own time to care for women in difficult pregnancies.  That’s what prolife people are doing. 

Can you still criticize prolife people for not caring for mothers?  Some will.  There is always more that can be done, and there are prolife people who do little.  But if you choose to criticize because you see more that can be done, please look in the mirror and go start doing something about it.  And if you are not doing what the prolife groups are already doing, you might want to reserve your criticism for someone else.  This idea that prolife people care only for babies and not for mothers is hollow and bankrupt. 

Fetal deformities:  The child has Down’s Syndrome.  The child has a deformed heart.  The child does not have two legs.  When a mother learns that her child has something like this, it is emotionally straining.  The proabortion position says we can save the parents the difficulty of having to raise such a child, and we can save the child from having to live such a life . . . if only we abort. 

By now, you know what we come back to.  Is the pregnant woman carrying a human being?  If she is, then she has a human with Down’s Syndrome.  We do not kill humans just because they have Down’s Syndrome.  Or one leg.  Or a deformed heart. 

It may be true that this child will be more difficult to raise than a normal child, and it may also be true that this child will experience a more difficult life than a fully healthy person, but avoiding difficulty is not what life is about. 

We say we help the child by aborting, but are we really helping?  Can people with Down’s Syndrome live meaningful lives?  Chris Nikic?  How about people in wheelchairs?  Joni Eareckson Tada?  Or the blind?  Helen Keller?  Nick Vujicic was born with no arms and no legs.  He now travels the world giving motivational speeches and hope to millions.[viii]  His life was not easy, but ask him if someone in his condition can live a meaningful life. Often the most meaningful lives are the most difficult. When we say that people with abnormalities cannot live fulfilled lives, we are making an assumption about their life that we have no right to make. Many people with abnormalities have lived meaningful lives.  And what is just as important, millions of them, whose names you have never heard, have brought joy and meaning to their parents. 

These special cases often bring up the phenomenon of an unwanted pregnancy, and unwanted pregnancies are central to the proabortion position.  Proabortion people genuinely want most women to have their babies because most women actually want to have their babies.  But this creates an odd tension in proabortion thought.

Most proabortion people talk as if the fetus is a baby . . . IF the mother wants the baby.  If, however, the mother does not want the baby, proabortion people will tell her “it’s just a clump of cells.”  The fetus has human value if the mother wants him but no value if the mother does not want him.  The humanity of the fetus then seems to depend on the desires of the mother.  This thinking is utter nonsense.  Our desires are irrelevant to the facts.  If the fetus is a baby, he is a baby whether you want him or not.  If the fetus is not a baby, it is not a baby whether you want one or not.  You can’t have it both ways.  The American emphasis on freedom and choice sometimes gets this absurd.  We think we can shape reality to our desires.  We can’t.  

[i] Statistically speaking.

[ii] Guttmacher, Alan. “Abortion Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow.” The Case for Legalized Abortion Now (Berkeley, California: Diablo Books), 1967, page 3.

[iii] Koop, C. Everett, M.D. “How Often is Abortion Necessary to ‘Save the Life of the Mother’?” October 19, 2012, at AbortionNecessarySaveMother.pdf.


[v] Ibid.

[vi] Ibid.

[vii] Op cit.


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Abortion, Morality, and Human Rights

A pregnant woman is carrying a human life.  Science indicates this.  The continuity of the development points to this. Our intuitions imply this.  Our language suggests this.  Scripture shows this. The Church fathers plainly state this.

But the prolife argument is stronger than merely the humanity of the fetus.  I see specific ethical factors inherent in a pregnancy that strengthen the moral obligation a mother has for her unborn child.  Here are four:

  1. The fetus is completely helpless and vulnerable, and those who are strong have a special moral responsibility to care for those who are weak. 
  2. The fetus is dependent upon her mother, and people have a special moral responsibility to care for those who depend upon them. 
  3. The fetus is the offspring of her parents, and parents have a special moral responsibility to care for their offspring.
  4. The fetus is innocent, and it is morally unjust to kill the innocent.

Thus, while I do believe that a pregnant woman is carrying a human being, I do not believe she is carrying any human being.  She is carrying her helpless, vulnerable, innocent son or daughter.  She has the ordinary ethical responsibility we all have to care for human life, but she also has the special ethical responsibility to care for the weak, for those who depend on her, for the innocent, and for her own child.  Abortion, thus, does not violate life merely in some generic sense.  It violates a mother-child relationship and special moral obligations to care for the helpless and the innocent. 

If you say we should care for the oppressed, you should be prolife.

If you say we should care for the weak and the vulnerable, you should be prolife.

If you say we should stand up for the innocent, you should be prolife. 

Human Rights

If you believe in human rights, you should be prolife.

Human rights belong to humans.  All humans.  If you are a human being, you have human rights.  The unborn is a human being. 

We humans have justified all sorts of cruelty by denying full humanity to certain groups of people.  In the antebellum South, Americans justified slavery by saying that black people were not fully human.  In Nazi Germany, Hitler justified the Holocaust by saying that Jews were an inferior race.  In many Muslim countries today, Muslims justify special taxes on and mistreatment of nonMuslims by saying that they are dhimmis.  When those in power want to violate the human rights of the vulnerable, they often justify their actions by claiming that the vulnerable are not as fully human as the rest of us. 

This is precisely what the proabortion position must do.  Abortion requires people to deny the humanity of a certain class of human in order to justify the practice.  The proabortion position cannot stand if the fetus is a human life.  I’m sure that my proabortion friend does not endorse slavery, but she thinks of the unborn the same way the antebellum South thought of its black population. 

We play a dangerous game when we begin to say that only certain humans are real people.  We become the antebellum South without ever knowing it and grow outraged if someone points out the likeness. 

Today we abort about 20% of all unborn children in America.[i]  Can you imagine the outcry if we killed 20% of the women in our country?  Or 20% of the Hispanics?  Or 20% of our two-year-olds?  Or 20% of any group?  The unborn is the most vulnerable and most oppressed group of people in America.  There is no other group of people that we kill at a rate of 20% per year.  And with abortion, we have actually sanctioned it.

As a society, we have come to recognize the full humanity of all races, religions and genders.  Those were long, hard fights, and we may not be where we would like to be, but we are certainly not where we were.  It is now time for us to recognize the humanity of all stages of development.  Maybe we need to see that the unborn are like a vulnerable race. They may not look exactly the same as those in power, but they are just as human.  They are the same as we are but at a different stage of development.  They are human beings.  They have human rights, and abortion denies them those rights without ever giving them a choice. 


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Christianity and Abortion

Up to this point, in my discussion on abortion, I have said nothing about religion.  I do not believe you need religion to know that a pregnant woman is carrying a human life. 

But I want to shift and now talk directly to the Christian who honors the Bible as holy.  So to the Christian:

Christians do not abort their children.

All humans are created in the image of God (Gen 1:27).  This doctrine is the foundation for human rights, and human rights belong to all humans. Here are some Scriptures that speak of the unborn as humans or having human capacities.

The unborn can be filled with the Holy Spirit:  For he will be great before the Lord.  And he must not drink wine or strong drink, and he will be filled with the Holy Spirit, even from his mother’s womb (Lk 1:15).

The unborn can rejoice:  And when Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary, the baby leaped in her womb. And Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit,and she exclaimed with a loud cry, “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb! And why is this granted to me that the mother of my Lord should come to me? For behold, when the sound of your greeting came to my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy (Lk 1:41-4)

God knows and calls the unborn to serve Him:  Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations (Jer 1:5)

The Lord called me from the womb, from the body of my mother he named my name . . . And now the Lord says, he who formed me from the womb to be his servant . . . (Is 49:1, 5)

But when he who had set me apart before I was born . . . (Gal 1:15)

God is the God of the unborn:  Yet you are he who took me from the womb; you made me trust you at my mother’s breasts.  On you was I cast from my birth, and from my mother’s womb you have been my God (Ps 22:9-10).

God knows the unborn and is with them.  Where shall I go from your Spirit?  Or where shall I flee from your presence?  If I ascend to heaven, you are there!  If I make my bed in Sheol, you are there!  If I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there your hand shall lead me, and your right hand shall hold me.  If I say, “Surely the darkness shall cover me, and the light about me be night,” even the darkness is not dark to you; the night is bright as the day, for darkness is as light with you.  For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb.  I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.  Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.  My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth.  Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them (Ps 139:7-16).

In this psalm, David speaks of God forming him, knowing him and making him within his mother’s womb.  The idea is that God is with David even there.  The flow of ideas runs like this.  Where can I go to escape God?  If I go to heaven, God is there.  If I go to hell, God is there.  If I go to the other side of the sea, God is there.  Darkness can’t hide me from God (Psalm 139:7-12).  Why, God was with me even in my mother’s womb (Ps 139: 13-6).

Unborn twins can struggle together:  The children struggled together within her, and she said, “If it is thus, why is this happening to me?”  So she went to inquire of the Lord.  And the Lord said to her, “Two nations are in your womb, and two peoples shall be divided . . .”(Gen 25:22-3).

Scripture says that children are a gift of God (Ps 127:3).  Abortion destroys that gift.  You cannot say that a child is a gift from God and then abort her.

Scripture commands the human race to be fruitful and multiply (Gen 1:28).  Abortion negates that command. 

The Bible considers the unborn to be people.  It describes them experiencing things only people experience – the filling of the Holy Spirit, joy, struggle, being called to be a servant or a prophet.  It refers to them as babies and children, and the pronouns it uses are personal: I, me, he.

Biblically, a fetus is a human being.

The Early Church

Early church tradition also is quite uniform in opposition to abortion.  Here are a few quotes on abortion from early church fathers.

The Didache (1st cent): “You shall not commit murder, you shall not commit adultery, you shall not commit pederasty, you shall not commit fornication, you shall not steal, you shall not practice magic, you shall not practice witchcraft, you shall not murder a child by abortion nor kill that which is born.” [i]

Barnabas (late 1st/early 2nd cent): “Never do away with an unborn child, nor destroy it after its birth.”[ii]

Athenagoras (2nd cent): Athenagoras is writing to the Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius and senator Lucius Aurelius Commodus.  Here he is defending Christians against the charge that they are murderers.

“Who does not reckon among the things of greatest interest the contests of gladiators and wild beasts, especially those which are given by you? But we, deeming that to see a man put to death is much the same as killing him, have abjured such spectacles.  How, then, when we do not even look on, lest we should contract guilt and pollution, can we put people to death? And when we say that those women who use drugs to bring on abortion commit murder, and will have to give an account to God for the abortion, on what principle should we commit murder? For it does not belong to the same person to regard the very fetus in the womb as a created being, and therefore an object of God’s care, and when it has passed into life, to kill it . . .[iii]

Tertullian (2nd cent): “In our case, murder being once for all forbidden, we may not destroy even the fetus in the womb, while as yet the human being derives blood from other parts of the body for its sustenance. To hinder a birth is merely a speedier man-killing; nor does it matter whether you take away a life that is born, or destroy one that is coming to the birth. That is a man which is going to be one; you have the fruit already in its seed.”[iv]

We could continue and quote Clement of Alexandria (2nd century), Mark Minicius Felix (late 2nd century), Hippolytus (early 3rd), Cyprian (3rd), and Basil, Ambrose, Jerome, John Chrysostom, and the Apostolic Constitution (all from the 4th).  The early church was united in its strong opposition to abortion.  And the church didn’t stop.  Throughout history, Christian opposition continued through Augustine, Thomas Aquinas, Martin Luther, John Calvin, Charles Spurgeon, Mother Theresa, Billy Graham, John Piper, and a host of others. 

If you respect the Bible, the unborn is a human being.  If you respect the teaching of the early church fathers, abortion is a sin. 

As a human being I oppose abortion because it kills human beings.  As a Christian, I oppose abortion for the same reason, but as a Christian, I have extra reasons for doing so, namely Scripture and the historic church teachings. 

[i] “The Didache.”, chapter 2.

[ii] “The Epistle of Barnabas,” Early Christian Writings.  New York: Penguin Books, 1981, p. 217.

[iii] Athenagoras.  “A Plea For Christians.”, chapter 35.

[iv] Tertullian. Apology. Ch 9.

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A Fetus is a Human is a Baby is a Child

In my previous blog I argued from science that a fetus is a distinct human life. I now want to appeal to something entirely different.  I propose that we humans intuitively know that a fetus is a human is a baby is a child.  Our language and our emotions give us away.  Let me tell a story.

When I taught English, I gave my students each year a persuasive essay assignment in which they could write on any topic they chose.  Abortion was by far the most popular topic, and every year I found myself reading scads of essays on abortion – pro and con.  And every year I had multiple students who took a proabortion stance and argued for “aborting the baby” or “aborting the child.”  It’s just the way they talked. 

I would point out to these students that their language hurt their argument, for if the fetus is (as they admit) a baby, then abortion kills a baby, but if the fetus is not human, you can do with it as you please.  This “baby” language was so common that it often made it into my generic comments to the class on common errors or weaknesses I found across many essays. 

One year I was pointing out this pattern to the class and told them that if you want to take a proabortion stance, you weaken your argument by referring to the baby.  Babies are human.  Babies are children.

When I had finished, a young man in the front row (who did not write on abortion) replied, “Of course it’s a baby!  What else could it be?”  He then went on to say that he believed a woman should be able to abort that baby.  I was stunned not at the gross contradiction in his moral reasoning but at how confidently he stated it and how strongly he believed it.  He was utterly convinced that pregnant women carry babies.  He had no doubt that a fetus is a baby.

You can write off that young man as being a high school kid who simply hadn’t thought through the issue, and you certainly would be correct.  But that’s precisely my point.  When we are at the dinner table describing what a pregnant woman is carrying, “baby” is the normal word we use.  And we don’t think twice about it.  It’s just natural.  I’ve never heard anyone address a pregnant woman and say, “How’s the fetus today?”  No.  You greet your pregnant friend and say, “How are you and the baby doing?”  The mother tells her husband, “I felt the baby kick today.”  Or she says, “The baby is hungry today.”  Or “we heard the baby’s heartbeat today.”  Or they see the ultrasound and say, “It’s a girl!”

We talk this way all the time, and our language says something about what we think.  We intuitively know that a pregnant woman is carrying a baby.  Or a boy.  Or a girl.  Or a child.  Those are the words we use.  And when we use those words, we don’t mean baby dog or baby fish or baby bird.  We mean baby human. 

That young man in my class is not alone.  What he intuitively understood is what most people intuitively understand.  The overwhelming majority of pregnant women intuitively know they are carrying a baby.  They don’t need scientific arguments.  Just ask them what they are carrying.  Or try this.  Try telling a pregnant woman that she is not carrying a baby and see how that goes. 

And here’s the thing.  Most proabortion people talk this way.  They may avoid “baby” language in formal arguments, but in personal settings they still revert to it.  I’ve heard this with my ears.  Our language communicates something about what we believe deep down.

But so do our emotions. Recently, a woman I work with announced that she was pregnant.  We all rejoiced.  We congratulated her.  We high fived.  And this reaction is the normal human reaction to a pregnancy.  Why?  We are not rejoicing over a clump of cells.  We are rejoicing over a human life.  And proabortion people do the same rejoicing in most situations. 

But our emotions don’t have to be joyful to betray us. Even when we face a crisis pregnancy – an unwed mother, a rape – and our emotions may be sad at the situation or we may feel a sense of loss, these emotions also suggest that the mother is carrying something more than a clump of cells.  If the fetus is just a clump of cells, why do we feel a sense of loss?  Our emotions need not get entangled with a clump of cells.  We have no reason to be sad over a clump of cells.  The mother has an easy way out.  What is in her body is no more special than a wart.  Just remove it and move on. 

But that’s not how we feel.  There’s no tragedy in having a clump of cells that you can easily remove with no harm done.  The fact that we consider crisis pregnancies tragic betrays the fact that deep down, we know we are dealing with more than just a clump of cells.  Deep down, whether we are happy or sad, we know what a pregnant woman is carrying. 

A fetus is a human is a baby is a child.  This is the intuition most of us have.  Now I understand that intuitions are not formal arguments.  Intuitions can be wrong.  But neither are they nothing.  Intuitions do push us in a certain direction, and that direction is toward the humanity of the fetus.  If you want to say that the fetus is not human, you must argue against the way most people naturally think and feel.  In other words, the burden of proof is on you. 

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